Monday, November 10, 2008

Help Mend Families

The western coastal areas of Aceh were among the areas hardest-hit by the tsunami resulting from the Indian Ocean earthquake on December 26, 2004. While estimates vary, approximately 230,000 people were killed by the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh, and about 500,000 were left homeless.(source
Every family in the city of Banda Aceh lost at least one member, everyone of the survivors lost someone loved in 26 of December 2004 and the people in this serie of portraits are no exception...

Some families can not be reunited but some can and should be...

Bloggers Unite Bloggers Unite Bloggers Unite Bloggers Unite


a.eye said...

beautiful pictures - sad story.

RecycleCindy said...

Excellent post and I love the photos in support of Bloggers Unite Day for Refugees. The photos tell such stories.