In these past few weeks we have heard a lot about the "real economy" (the production and circulation of goods) and the – how should we call it? unreal? – economy which is the source of all evils, in that its agents had become "irresponsible", "irrational" and "predatory" – fuelling, first rapaciously, then in a panic, the now formless mass of stocks, securities and currencies. The return to the real cannot be a movement leading from bad "irrational" speculation back to healthy production. It is the return to the immediate and reflective life of all those who inhabit this world. It is from that vantage-point that one can observe capitalism without flinching, including the disaster movie that it is currently inflicting upon us. The real is not this movie, but its audience.
For the text see Which Real is this Crisis the Spectacle? Alain Badiou, Le Monde, 17/10/08. )
Se dedica lui Onofre B.
( ) care, desi admirator al lui Hayek , stie cum sta treaba cu clasa muncitoare..
Toata asa-zisa criza a fost artificial creata de bancheri...
Bun articolul, bune fotografiile!
onoare muncii !
Reusite fotografiile!Felicitari in general pt ce ai ajuns, Andrei! Oana S. din Bucuresti
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